Tuesday, October 17, 2017

7 Natural Ways Overcome Dry Skin on Face

The face is the area on the body that not only has the function of physiological functions but also aesthetically. Especially in the context of a social, beautiful and handsome face is a marker of fertility and success. No wonder many people removing the much money just so that her face is unsightly.

Dry skin on the face is one of the problems that many people avoid. Dry facial skin looks flaky and bright, so not many people often complained of his face dry.

7 How to tackle dry skin on the face you can benefit from as a reference in the Guide to the care of the face as a whole.
How to naturally Overcome dry skin on face

Dry skin can be caused by a variety of things such as exposure to UV rays, air pollution, and air temperature. Too much exposure to sunlight can result in reduced collagen production.

In addition, the extreme cold can also cause the skin to become dry. The good news is, there are many ways overcome dry skin on the face, and you can find it below.
1. Coconut oil

If your face is dry, we recommend using coconut oil as a natural moisturizer. Coconut oil can help restore facial oil production and can eliminate the dead cells on the surface of the face.

Coconut oil is not only good for the inside of the body but also great for the face. Coconut oil can supply the fatty acid on the face, so the face becomes more moist and bright.

If you have a face that is dry, you can apply coconut oil after washing your face. Don't rub it too much, because, with small portions, coconut oil can be absorbed entirely by the face.
2. Glycerin

How to fix dry skin on the face of the other is to use Glycerin. Glycerin is very good for a dry face due to glycerine has the characteristic binds water, so the water content at face remain awake. Uniquely again, glistering can absorb water from the nearby area, so the facial skin remains moist.

Glycerin is can you find at the nearest pharmacy, and its function is really awesome to tackle dry skin on the face. To create a mask, you can combine the lemon juice, glycerin, and water, then apply on a face of dry.
3. Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a natural ingredient often used in beauty products. One of the most famous brands with the base material is Vaseline petroleum jelly. If your facial skin is dry, then you can use Vaseline.

For an application, you can combine the petroleum jelly with Glycerin, and then apply it on the face dry. Alternatively, you can melt the first petroleum jelly by entering them into the microwave. Then apply the mask on your face before going to bed.
4. Masker Banana and Yogurt

You do not need to purchase the expensive mask, simply combine the bananas and yogurt into the mask. The content of vitamin B and potassium in bananas is helpful in moisturizing the skin of the face.

To create a mask, simply peel a banana and then lambskin, and mix it with yogurt.

Apply the mask on the face area, then cover with plastic shower.

Not only was able to moisturize, but banana and yogurt mask can also cope with scaly skin caused due to lack of hydration to the skin.
5. Masker papaya and Avocado

The content of beta-carotene and potassium in avocados are very helpful in moisturizing the face. Avocados can be used as a natural moisturizer and also very easily absorbed by the skin of the face.

Avocado will be getting a maximum if combined with papaya. You can use both of these super fruits as a mask for dry facial skin.

To make it quite mask, papaya and avocado by hand, or you can also use a blender. Apply on the face, leave it on for 25 minutes, then rinse.

6. avoid the use of Chemical-based and Berdetergen Soap

To avoid dry skin face, you should stay away from SOAP products that have large amounts of detergent. You should use a natural SOAP without detergents.

In addition, chemicals in SOAP can kill natural moisturizing substances on the face. We highly recommend You to use SOAP made from herbs, because it is free from side effects.

7. A warm bath

One way for facial skin is moist with a warm bath. With a warm bath, facial skin can easily produce natural oils. In addition, warm water can also help regenerate cells in the skin of the face.

You can use a shower or soak in a tub containing the water warm. In addition, a warm bath may also relieve the stress hormone, so that on its face is becoming more stable.

The most effective method to Anticipate Sort 2 Diabetes

A sound eating routine and general exercise program not exclusively will move forward your appearance, yet it additionally can enhance your wellbeing and diminish your danger of building up specific ailments. Later examines by Harvard specialists have reasoned that direct practice and a solid eating regimen can avoid most instances of sort 2 diabetes - the most widely recognized type of diabetes. The examination overwhelmingly showed that by making the suitable way of life changes, diabetes can be averted more than 90% of the time. The examination likewise presumed that way of life changes fundamentally decreased the danger of getting the infection by 58% among individuals who as of now hinted at creating diabetes. 

Sort 2 diabetes represents more than 90% of all diabetes cases. It happens when your body can not legitimately use insulin in getting supplements to your cells. This outcomes in elevated amounts of sugar in your blood. The quantity of instances of diabetes has been developing quickly. Studies show that more than 16 million 

Americans have some type of diabetes! Sort 2 diabetes used to be considered an infection of the old, yet not any longer. It is getting to be significantly more pervasive in more youthful individuals and has as of late been demonstrating a disturbing increment among youngsters. 

Diabetes is where you're basic hereditary foundation is basic. In the event that you have these qualities and are in danger of creating diabetes, your way of life choices may decide regardless of whether these qualities end up plainly dynamic or stay torpid. Is most intriguing that Harvard scientists decided that 91% of cases among the general population they considered could have been anticipated by watching their weight, eating a sound eating routine, direct exercise, and not drinking and smoking. Being overweight is the main reason individuals contract diabetes - 61% of all cases are ascribed to corpulence and weight issues. 

Some other fascinating realities: Overweight ladies cut their hazard by 24% basically by strolling frequently. There is an immediate relationship between the measure of activity and occurrences of diabetes. The more exercise, the less occurrences. The individuals who did at least 7 hours seven days of activity had a 29% lower chance than the individuals who not practice or practiced under 30 minutes for every week. Eating an eating routine that is high in fiber, low in fat and low in part hydrogenated oils (french fries, business prepared merchandise) too essentially diminishes your hazard. In the event that you as of now don't do as such, turn into a mark peruser! 

Pepper may not simply be for flavoring. Capsaicin is a protein compound found in pepper and peppers fundamentally brings down blood sugar levels and builds insulin levels. Analysts have not finished up if the pepper compound acts by expanding the discharge of insulin, or by abating it's breakdown. Vast measurements of headache medicine additionally lower your glucose and is a compelling treatment of diabetes, yet specialists caution that that the vast dosages required have impeding reactions (intestinal dying, tipsiness, queasiness) that exceed the advantages. 

There are numerous ailments and diseases you have no influence over, however, sort 2 diabetes is exceptionally preventable by viewing your weight, working out, eating a sound eating routine , and not smoking or drinking.

Monday, October 16, 2017

10 Health Benefits of Green Tea for a Natural Body

No need to doubt the benefits of drinking green tea for health body is very much. The goodness of nature that is contained in the tea leaves had in fact been widely utilized in various products. Have you been enjoying the benefits of green tea for health? Or you are not sure of the natural deposits in it so that you do not dare to try?

Sure you often see product ads fresh drinks made from tea leaves promising a million benefits to the body. The healthy living trend still clashed with the instant way.

Similarly, with the benefits of green tea which originally could only be obtained by processing the leaves him directly. This is an ancient tradition of Japanese people who are already feeling the benefits of drinking tea for health hereditary.

Are there any dangers that may be caused by green tea?

Unlike the caffeine in coffee can cause insomnia, teeth turn yellow until the risk of early death. Tea leaves contain anti-oxidants particularly useful for health and beauty. To date, there has been no official report on the dangers of drinking green tea for the health of the human body. So, you don't have to be concerned with the side effects that may be caused.

This Is The Green Tea Benefits For The Health Of Your Body

1. There are myths say drinking green tea is effective for slimming the body, is it a myth?

As I've alluded to at the beginning, the natural anti-oxidants in green tea contains catechin polyphenols. And scientists have managed to identify six types of catechins are different, one being the epigallocatechin gallate. EGCG is what plays a role in increasing the metabolic rate of the body so that the process becomes more maximum calorie burning.

Furthermore, the benefits of green tea also reduce fat, suppress appetite and removes excess water in the body. This is why drinking green tea is associated with a diet naturally.

2. Do you green tea is beneficial to lower a person's cholesterol levels?

There are two natural deposits in green tea that played an important role in addressing the problem of cholesterol namely tannins and catechins. Tannins are useful in reducing levels of LDL (Low-density lipoprotein-) or bad cholesterol causes blockage of blood.

While catechin has the function to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine so indirectly, the benefits of drinking green tea can keep your heart health.

3. you mild allergy sufferers? There are cheap and potent natural remedies to address the problem of allergies

Yes, epigallocatechin gallate in green tea turns out to produce histamine and immunoglobulin E (IgE). Both of these compounds can treat allergies in animal fur, dust or other mild allergies.

4. The benefits of green tea also play a role in treating type 2 diabetes thanks to the natural anti-oxidants in it. Drinking green tea regularly will inhibit the secretion of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase that can slow down the absorption of glucose in the blood.

5. Did you know, green tea also contains caffeine like coffee?
Drink beverages that contain caffeine highly not recommended for sufferers of hypertension. But unlike the green tea only has a low caffeine presentations, unlike coffee. The number of benefits for the health of caffeine such as managing diabetes, keep your blood pressure and makes the heart healthy green tea health drink.

6. The dilemma between the risks and benefits of green tea for pregnant women-you should know

The health of a mother who was pregnant certainly should be kept properly, should not be indiscriminate and random. The facts say the content of Anti-oxidants in green tea is very good for helping the body regenerate damaged cells, regulate blood sugar and insulin levels as well as control of hypertension.

One of the benefits of green tea for pregnant women is reducing the risk of hypertension and diabetes on the final stage of pregnancy thanks to the increased immune system.

Green tea for pregnant women

However, there is a risk that could have threatened the mother's health, namely the presence of caffeine in green tea. Although the numbers are small, the caffeine is diuretics that means forcing the body to let go of the body fluids causing dehydration. It's good if the mother consulted with the obstetrician about security levels of green tea on pregnant women.

7. In spite of my earlier review of anti-oxidant substances turns out there are other contents of green tea theanine. This substance is the amino acid that helps reduce stress and anxiety. In other words, the benefits of drinking green tea can soothe your mind. Just as the fragrance of pandan leaves benefits could make the mind more relaxed, calm and restore the mood.

8 Benefits drinking green tea when the rainy season like this is improving immune from viruses as well as bacteria. So you will be spared from the disease a million people that is the flu. How can? It turns out the content of vitamin C in green tea are also abundant in addition of anti-oxidants and flavonoids.

9. For people who have severe asthma problem, the benefits of green tea are very useful in reducing the severity of asthma. Thanks to the content profiling can relax the muscles to provide support to the bronchial tract so relieve asthma. In addition, the benefits of green tea also reduce sensitivity to an allergic reaction so as to reduce the recurrence of asthma.

10. low bone density is a common problem most Indonesian women. The high fluoride content in green tea helps in keeping the bones remain strong and slow the damage, thereby reducing the possibility of exposed problems such as osteoporosis.

That's 10 green tea benefits for a body that you can get if drink it regularly. There is no harm in starting a pattern of healthy living with diligent drink green tea every day from now on. Afterwards, will be discussed in depth and specific what are the benefits of green tea for women's beauty.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Causes Of Menstrual Periods Is Not Smooth

Menstruation is the process of fall uterine wall that out into blood, usually occur during the 3-7 day. The Normal menstrual cycle occurs during 28-35 days and occurs as much as menstrual 11-13 times in one year. Each of the women experiences menstrual cycle varies, it can be shorter or longer.
Menstruation is said to be not smooth or irregular cycle occurs in less than 21 days or more than 35 days. In addition to menstruation are grouped not smoothly when changing the menstrual duration each month. Blood volume is not the same, sometimes a lot or a little, also the basis of menstruation is not smooth.

Menstruation does not usually occur on a smooth first few years you begin to menstruate. Menstruation is not smooth or irregular is caused by hormones that have not yet balanced. However, if menstruation is not smooth or irregularly occurring not in the first few years you are experiencing menstruation, menstrual problems then can be classified into several types of irregular menstruation. As metrorrhagia, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, and menometrorrhagia.

Metrorrhagia is irregular menstruation, but regular menstruation occurs.
Oligomenorrhea is the condition when the menstrual cycle occurs more than 35 days, so in the span of a year, menstruation can occur just about 6-8 times.
Amenorrhea is a condition when Your menstrual periods stopped for 3 months more.
Menstrual bleeding, Menometrorrhagia is lasting longer and more blood volume but a routine case.

What causes Menstruation Not Smoothly?

As mentioned above, menstruation is not smooth or irregular happens if someone is still in the early years of menstruation or puberty. In addition to being caused by puberty, menstruation is not smooth or irregular could also occur at the time leading up to the time of menopause.

However, if you are not at puberty or not approaching menopause period, then this can be caused by other medical conditions. The following are some things that can be the cause of menstruation is not smooth or irregular, among others:


If Your menstrual periods cease or be late, try doing the examination to ascertain if you are pregnant. The doctor will usually recommend a pregnancy test and ultrasound.

Tool Contraception

Use contraceptives such as the IUD (spiral) or birth control pills can indeed lead to changes in the form of spots between the menstrual cycle. IUD can cause blood comes out a lot more than usual or an upset stomach at the time of menstruation. The possibility of a little blood comes out at the beginning of the use of birth control pills also may occur and will stop after the first few months.

Patterns of daily living

If you do excessive exercise and weight You drop drastically, it could cause the menstruation is not smooth or irregular. Similarly, with the excess weight or obesity. Not only is weight changes, stress can also affect Your menstrual cycle.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Is a collection of symptoms caused by small cysts in the ovaries. The presence of this hormone makes the cyst becomes unbalanced, such as testosterone that increase exceeds the normal limit which should women have little hormone testosterone. Abnormality also occurs to the process of the release of the egg. This leads to You not experiencing menstruation, or experiencing menstruation, or experiencing menstruation, but blood is coming out just a little.


On the part of your neck, there is a thyroid gland that produces hormones that can regulate body metabolism. If your thyroid is in trouble or misbehaving, sometimes, can affect Your menstrual. Consult it to the doctor because usually, the doctor will do a blood test to see how the level of thyroid hormone in your blood.
How To Cope With Menstruation Is Not Smooth

To cope with menstruation does not need to be adjusted smoothly with the cause. The following are some ways that you can do to cope with menstruation are not fluent or irregular.

Change your lifestyle.
Replace contraceptives
Do thyroid treatment
Do the treatment polycystic ovarian syndrome, such as treatment of diabetes or hormone levels return. In addition, lose weight the healthy way if you suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome with excess body weight.
Doing counseling if you are experiencing stress causes weight plummeted.
If you plan to have children, try a synthetic hormone to trigger ovulation is back to normal.
Menstruation is not smooth or irregular indeed very disturbing for women. In order to resolve the problem on Your menstruation, try to find out the cause. Generally, irregular menstruation or not smoothly does not require medical treatment. If you experience unusual bleeding at the time of menstruation until you need to replace the pads every hour, Your menstruation occurs for more than 7 days, and you experience the spots or bleeding after intercourse, then immediately contact a doctor to get further examination.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Some Foods that Nourish Your Hair

We probably have too many treats for hair, ranging from crop, heats, giving medications, to give a dye. To keep in mind is that our hair is actually very sensitive, and is a barometer of the health of particularly on women. Even a slight change in nutrient intake can be bad for the hair – for example, strict diet, protein deficiency, and iron could worsen the quality of hair, even contributed to the loss.

While a deficiency of some nutrients in the diet damage the hair, there are certain foods that can help to Shiner's hair, nourish, and prevent loss. Food-food as it is rich in nutrients like vitamins A, B, and C, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, and zinc. In addition to enjoying this nutritious meals, you also get beautiful hair. In addition, you may not need to get to a salon

Here are my top 10 healthy foods as well as beneficial to the health of the hair:
1. Salmon
Salmon is rich in protein and very high in omega 3 fatty acids. These nutrients are also needed for healthy hair, and scalp, so many health and beauty expert recommendations for us.
2. Nuts
is the ideal snack to boost healthy hair growth, especially because it contains fatty acids and zinc. (the zinc deficiency associated with hair loss.) By adding the nuts into your diet, it will help provide a healthy diet for the hair overall. Pecan nut, almonds, and cashews are also a good choice
3. Blueberry
Studies have shown that free radicals derived from sunlight and pollution can damage the hair through the skin. Boost Your antioxidant intake by eating more fruit. Blueberries are particularly good for hair, as many contain vitamin C and antioxidants.
4. Beans and Lentils
Beans and lentils contain a lot of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, which are all indispensable for the strength of the hair. So don't leave these foods if you want hair that is strong and not easily fall out.
5. Oysters
You should never consume oysters every day, because like other beans, the oyster is the source of zinc. If by chance you love oysters, you gain additional benefits for your hair.
6. Avocado
If your hair is dry, brittle, eat more avocado. These berries contain omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to hair and moisturize it. The good thing is eating today e.g. by combining protein with healthy foods, such as egg and avocado. Avocados are also good to use for the hair mask. apply the avocado pulp in your scalp and your hair. Let sit for 10 to 20 minutes, then shampooing using shampoo as usual. This will make your hair smooth all day.
7. Yogurt
Calcium is also found in the hair follicle, which is an important mineral for hair growth. If you need more calcium in your diet, you can take your favorite yogurt. Yogurt can be combined with food for a healthy hair more like blueberries and walnuts. Mix all and eat together for maximum results.
8. Egg eggs contain lots of protein and biotin, which are essential nutrients for hair growth that. Biotin deficiency is associated with hair loss. Biotin is a vitamin that is very common is entered into supplement for hair growth. To obtain your intake of biotin, you just simply do a balanced diet. In addition to eggs, beans, sweet potatoes, corn, tomatoes, and carrots, are a source of biotin.
9. Meat hair is made of protein, fat and meat is a good source of protein. So the more you eat it, then your hair will grow faster and stronger. iron deficiency can also contribute to hair loss and brittle hair. Beef liver is very high in iron, is one of the best foods for hair. If you are a vegetarian, multiply the eat old green leafy vegetables such as spinach, as well as make sure get plenty of protein through the beans and lentils.
10. dark green leafy vegetables
Dark green vegetables generally contain lots of vitamin A and c. Body using these vitamins to produce sebum, i.e. oil secreted by hair follicles that are useful to keep strands hydrated hair naturally, so that be healthy and shiny. Broccoli, spinach, and kale are all you can eat for this purpose.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

How to Eliminate a Toothache Until Thoroughly

The Mechanism Of Onset Of a Toothache
The main cause why a toothache that came up is because of a bacterial infection. Where these destructive bacteria at the entrance to the enamel in teeth. More precisely on the nerves inside the gums so ill. So the common people mention as eating it and eating it, in fact, it is a factor only. The main causes are bacteria. But there is also a small part because it caused by a layer of the tooth so it makes email sensitive teeth and toothache.

Can Cavities can cause a toothache? No! When the gear hole not up to the part of the nerve gums or have yet to penetrate the bottom teeth so it will not cause a toothache. But if it had been up penetrating into then it could cause a toothache. These bacteria can cause a buildup of asbestos in the hole of teeth, infected gums and cause a toothache. But it needs to be in the know also right, how bacteria can cause cavities? You can read the article on "the reaction of this bacteria make a hollow tooth"

So in essence (conclusion) a cause toothache that is bacteria. And now we already know the cause why pain? Well next up is eliminate it. To remove it is by way of the order to not kill the bacteria causing the infection in the gums.
Treatment Of a Toothache
Okay now let's find out how to treat a toothache. As we know above that bacterial which causes a toothache. Then to resolve it is to destroy the bacteria that are present in the teeth. To kill bacteria that need antiseptic or antibiotic. Antiseptic is usually in a can from a doctor or purchased in pharmacies.

But you don't have to bother coming to the doctor because there are natural ingredients containing antiseptic. There are two methods for relieving toothache, that resolve from the outside and overcome from the inside. The following is an explanation of how it works:
1) Tackle from outside
Resolve from outside is treating a toothache with the help of some medicines that contain antibacterial or antiseptic that will kill the bacteria causing your toothache. Some foods and ways of its use are as follows:
1. Salt

Many salts being a natural remedy to overcome illness caused by bacteria. The content of salt in the salt can inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth. How to use you simply dissolve salt to taste into a glass of water and then use it to gargle every day until the pain subsided teeth.
2. Lime

Lemon contains citric acid. This citric acid can inhibit the growth of bacteria and kills the bacteria. So much in use as a preservative. Because that's the lemon contains a natural antiseptic. You can use lemon juice in water add with warm water in a glass and then use it to gargle every day.
3. Lemon

Just like lemons, lemons contain citric acid. The Content of antiseptic in the lemon can be set as a natural alternative to killing bacteria causing your toothache. The trick is pretty easy, you take the juice of lemon water in the add with warm water then make to gargle every day.
4. Betel leaf

The betel leaf is already in trust since ancient times and became a traditional remedy to this day many still in use. Content in antiseptic to kill the bacterial cause of a toothache. In addition, these leaves also contain bitter taste which will reduce inflammation in the tooth holes. How to use it you first boil some pieces of betel leaf, after it let a little water evaporate until the water changes color. Chill water decoction of betel leaf and use it to gargle every day.
5. the Tamarind Seed

Tamarind can be used as a remedy a toothache with a very simple way. You just toast the seeds then puree after that apply on the tooth that hurts.

Not just the seeds only. The leaves of the tamarind also contain antiseptic, you can use the content of this antiseptic to kill the bacteria on your teeth. Do I take a leaf tamarind to taste clean from dust and you boil it with water, then chill and take the water to use as a gargle.
6. Garlic

Garlic is already well known from the first as a traditional medicine. This is because the content of antiseptic that is in natural medicine, which became effective in killing bacteria. You can use this garlic to reduce your toothache is to crush one clove of garlic in a little salt with added. And then apply it on the tooth that hurts.
7. Red Onion

Just like garlic on top, the plant is still a party tuber, onion also contains a natural antiseptic that can kill bacteria. You can use as a remedy a toothache that is to pulverize 1 piece of onion on the added salt and then apply on perforated teeth
8. Coconut water

Coconut water is very much a benefit to the body. In addition as a substitute for a missing body ion coconut water also contain a natural antiseptic. You can use coconut water to gargle every day. Please use a coconut already in order to contain, approximately 1 cm of the contents or an old one. Because the content of sugar in an old coconut a bit more so that it will ease the pain. In addition the content of old coconut oil on more. You can see the difference on a young coconut water and coconut aged. This is important because oil deposits contain natural antiseptic oil on

Causes of a Toothache which is Compulsory You Should Know

A Toothache is the most frequent diseases in people suffering all over World. The flavors are not comfortable making, often makes us complaining, moaning and crying due to the difficult taste in told me with a Word. A Toothache is indeed very frustrating we couldn't freely in a.

Eliminate sick cavities
Very in once if you are diligent to brush your teeth every day but still perforated teeth and cause tooth pain. This is one of the indication error in brushing my teeth. Indeed brushing my teeth is often considered paltry because of the way that it is pretty easy, actually brushing my teeth is not appropriate then the result will not be maximized it causes a toothache can come and dwell in your mouth.

But don't worry, this time this blog will share ways to overcome the pain of the teeth right down to its roots. Not only that, it will be discussed thoroughly so it will unlock the knowledge about a toothache. Please read until run out and don't miss the article writing.

Causes Of a Toothache
First of all, we need to know is the cause of the pain before you treat it. How can treat without knowing the cause? Well, there are many causes for a toothache. Whatever is the cause of a toothache? Refer to the following:
1. Cavities

Cavities are the main cause of a toothache. Where the hole will be the place of establishment of the leftovers that have been on consumption. The remains of this food will be on the take apart by bacteria,  the teeth will be eroded until it came to a nerve so that it contains the tooth. When it comes to teeth, bacteria can easily infect and cause a toothache.
2. Brushing the wrong

Brushing your teeth can cause a toothache. Usually, we brush our teeth desultory and not pay attention to clean what is whether or not the remains of food in the mouth. When there are still many remnants of food that is in your mouth, then that's what will cause bacteria to proliferate in the mouth. Follow these 10 ways to brush our teeth right here.

The more leftovers of bacteria will be more freely for breeding. Bacteria that are on the surface of the teeth, especially the teeth most frequently is Graham, you can see your teeth graham is there it or not, when there is small, that's a result of bacteria that erode your teeth! Gradually without you even realizing it, the cekukan will enlarge and become penyabab toothache.
3. Rarely brushing my teeth

No need to explain it again, brushing my teeth, of course, will be able to make the pain of teeth where the leftovers that pile up on the surface of the teeth will become home to the bacteria to glad to depression.

It needs to be remembered that argument to a minimum was brushing my teeth twice a day. It would be better if more of it. Errors in the use of time brushing my teeth have also become a major cause. The right time brushing my teeth is before bed and after waking up. Make sure you sleep in a State already in the mouth clean
4. the wrong Tools

In brushing my teeth it is necessary to pay attention to the tool in use. Error selecting this may also cause a toothache. error choosing a toothbrush tooth cause cannot be optimally clean so many still leave the rest of the food in your mouth. Not only that, the error in choosing a toothpaste can also cause teeth are easily damaged. To choose a toothpaste containing fluoride should help strengthen teeth and protects teeth from the nature of the acid produced by the bacteria.
5. Sweet food

All of us who don't like sweet food. Almost every food we find the sweet taste. For example is sugar, processed foods are in the mix with sugar: coffee, tea, milk. In addition also still much!. Sweet condition this will be a comfortable place. Where bacteria will convert glucose, fructose, and sucrose into lactic acid. This acid that will erode the teeth. until the bacteria easier entry into the tooth.
6. Dental caries
Dental caries is one of the infectious diseases that damage the structure of the tooth. the disease also can cause cavities. You can see the creature's teeth yellow or brown or black that converge with the plaque. This plaque hardens and the leftovers in the plaque contained bacteria. These bacteria that can erode teeth making hollow and causing toothache